We aim to unify the Norwegian Fintech Space

Fintech Norway is a platform for the Fintech community to stand together and improve our industry conditions. Our goal is to unite our fronts and push for policies that can better the Norwegian Fintech landscape.


We interact daily in an association Slack workspace to tackle issues and questions together.


Fintech Norway is a platform for the FinTech community to stand together and improve our industry conditions.


As a member, you can make an impact on the fintech industry and Fintech Norway’s position on relevant issues. You can participate in arenas and have your opinions heard by regulators, incumbents, and politicians.

News, updates, and events

Fintech Norway leverer innspill til Venstres gründermelding

Denne uken har Fintech Norway levert sitt høringsinnspill i forbindelse med Venstres alternative…

Fintech Norway krever økt konkurranse i markedet for fripoliser

Denne uken sendte Fintech Norway sitt høringsinnspill til Finansdepartementet i forbindelse med…

Vipps MobilePay Launches Groundbreaking Service, Challenging Global Payment Giants

In a significant leap for mobile payments, Vipps MobilePay has unveiled a groundbreaking service…

FinTech Legal Forum lansert

Fintech Norway og PwC har lansert Norges første profesjonelle nettverk og forum for ansatte i…

Stortingsmelding om gründere

Regjeringen la i dag frem den første stortingsmeldingen om gründere og oppstartsbedrifter, det gir…

